About us

Who are we?

The beginning was in the 1970s. The first section opened in the early 1990s, where the knowledge and experience of the years were applied. Thankfully, our flavor has become a great demand and name in coffee boards and shopping places. As demand has increased and industrial development continues, we have used the latest technologies while maintaining the highest quality.

For us, coffee is not just an industry, it’s a story of passion and love.

At the same level, we are always keen to continue to expand in the food industry as we strive to provide high-quality and affordable products.

1. High quality products
2. Fast delivery
3.Geographical distribution
4.It tastes great

Our Vision

At a time when the path of prosperity and growth has begun, our constant work and clear vision to reach the highest levels of success have stemmed from our belief that technology and keeping pace with the evolution of the food industry are among the most important means of achieving our goals of providing the highest quality of our products and commensurate with the needs of consumers.

Through this, we have always been keen to continue to expand in the food industry, as we strive to provide high-quality and affordable products.

Our Mission

– Direct interaction with customers and audience to meet their current and future needs.

– High-quality, consumer-friendly, and affordable food products.

– We always try to facilitate the purchase process for customers and consumers by responding directly to the company by reaching out to customers and consumers.

– We seek to achieve the best rates of consumer satisfaction through the provision of high-quality sanitary products.

– We hope that ALADEEB will be the first leading company in the food and beverage industry in the various regions of the countries in which it is distributed.

– We seek to provide our consumers with better food and drinks of high nutritional value and quality and also make their life easier.

Our Message

– We commit ourselves in the literature to providing delicious food products of high nutritional value, of outstanding quality that will bring health and happiness to consumers.

As a leading ready-made food company, we are always keen to deliver what is new and innovative with the best quality and prices for all consumers, as well as to make our capabilities and knowledge operational to provide the best for the consumer.

– Growth and development of the food products sector to meet the needs and requirements of local and regional markets to contribute to food security.

Quality certificates

ISO 9001


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